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How to start cycling after 50

Last updated 29th May 2024 by the SunLife Content Team
6 min read

Starting cycling after 50 may feel daunting. But it can be a great way to promote both your physical and mental wellbeing.

Exercise has many health benefits, but cycling in particular can reinvigorate your weekly routine.

In this guide, we will discuss the benefits of riding a bike in later life, and explain how you can get started with this fun form of exercise.

Benefits of riding a bike in later life

Cycling increases your heart rate and gets your muscles working. It can also make you feel more confident and energetic. And give you a real sense of accomplishment.

Like running, it will be hard when you’re first starting out. But be kind to yourself and push through to develop your endurance. Over time, not only will you become a better cyclist, but other activities like hiking or even DIY and housework will feel easier too.

The British Heart Foundation explains that cycling makes you stronger( opens in a new tab), because it uses almost every muscle in the body!

According to the NHS( opens in a new tab), some of the health benefits of cycling include:

  • Reducing the risk of serious illness
  • Boosting your mental health
  • It’s a low impact exercise that's easier on your joints

Reduce your risk of serious illness

When done regularly, cycling can reduce your risk of serious illnesses. These include heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. Combined with other forms of exercise, it can even help to reduce the risk of falls, hip fractures and dementia ( opens in a new tab) later in life.

Boost your mental health

Cycling can also help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercise, making new friends and getting out of the house more can all be mood boosters. And many areas even have cycling groups to provide extra encouragement. You could see if any family or friends want to start cycling for a great way to spend more time together.

For more about mental wellbeing and how to spot the signs of mental health changes, you might be interested in our interview with a Samaritans volunteer.

Protect your joints

The NHS recommends( opens in a new tab) a mixture of strengthening exercises, and moderate to vigorous intensity activity for at least 150 minutes a week for people over 50.

For those over 65( opens in a new tab), they recommend the same amount of moderate activity. For those already active, they recommend 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

You can get some of this moderate and vigorous exercise by cycling, without the damaging impact to your joints that can come with running.

How to start cycling in later life

If you’ve not cycled in a while you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the idea of starting again. There are some steps you can take to make getting started on your new hobby that little bit easier.

1. Try before you buy

Like any new hobby, it’s a good idea to try cycling again before spending time and money on making it a habit. Rent a bike from a local shop, or borrow one from a friend, so you can test it out when there’s no pressure to commit.

2. Choose the best bike for you

If you want to purchase your own, it’s important that you choose the right size and type of bike.

The type of bike you need will depend on what kind of paths or roads you’ll be riding on. For example, road bikes, mountain bikes and gravel bikes are all made for different surfaces. This can also help you to think about where you’d like to go cycling.

The size of bike will depend largely on your height, length of inside leg and frame size of your chosen bike type.

There are some great guides available online for bike types( opens in a new tab) and bike sizes( opens in a new tab). Or you could visit a bike shop in person to get help from a professional.

3. Gear up

Once you have your bike you’ll need the gear to go with it. Crashes and falls can happen, so safety gear is important to protect you.

It’s important to have:

  • A well-fitting helmet
  • Cycling gloves
  • A good bike lock

And it’s a good idea to have:

  • A patch kit or hand pump for flat tires
  • A road ID tag with medical information

You’ll also want to consider how you’re going to store and transport your bike. This could mean a bike store in the garden, or a rack for the car if you’ll be driving to your chosen cycle spots.

4. Start slow

Once you’re ready to start cycling, take things slow and go at your own pace while you get used to it.

You may be using muscles you haven’t used in a while. So, taking things gently will reduce the risk of straining or pulling a muscle.

5. Know the rules of the road

Like drivers, cyclists have their own rules to follow on the road. Even if you plan to keep to cycle paths and parks, it’s good to familiarise yourself with the laws and guidance for cyclists( opens in a new tab).

You could consider an adult cycling course( opens in a new tab) to put what you’ve learned to the test with the help of an instructor.

6. Ride with friends

Cycling can be great for socialising. And, once you’ve got all the gear, it’s easy to arrange a cycle ride at no cost. So, it’s a sustainable and affordable way to make memories that will last a lifetime.

7. Remember to rest and recover

It’s important to give your body time to recover after any exercise.  Especially if it’s a type you haven’t done in a long time.

Proper warm up and cool down exercises( opens in a new tab) can help avoid issues. Taking break days can also help ensure your body gradually gets used to your new hobby.

What if I have balance problems?

Cycling can improve balance, but it could put extra strain on the body if you have existing injuries or conditions. Speak to your GP if you have any concerns before taking up cycling.

Walking and home workouts could be easier forms of exercise if you’re worried about balance. These also develop muscles and get your heart rate up, meaning they have many of the same benefits as cycling.

Safety concerns for cycling

Despite all the health benefits, there are safety concerns to consider before committing to cycling.

The risks vary depending on where you’re cycling and how safe the area is. Avoiding busy roads and cycling with a friend or a group can be ways of lowering the risk factor.

Be sure to consider all the risks so you can make an informed decision about wherever cycling is right for you. Getting in touch with a local cycle group might be a good place to start if you have any questions or concerns.

It’s always worth chatting to your GP if you’re worried about cycling’s impact on pre-existing conditions.

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